
OTIPAX 15ml – Ear Drops For Pain Relief, Inflammation, Otitis, Softens Earwax

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Otipax is a representative of the pharmacological group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and topical anesthetics for external use. It is used to treat inflammatory ear pathology with pain syndrome.

Otipax Introduction

Otipax belongs to the pharmacological group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and topical anesthetics for external use. Doctors prescribe it to treat inflammatory ear conditions accompanied by pain.

Form of Issue and Composition

Otipax is available in the form of ear drops for external use. It is a clear, colorless, or light yellow liquid with a characteristic smell of alcohol. The solution consists of two main active substances, their content in 1 ml is:

  • Phenazone – 40 mg
  • Lidocaine hydrochloride – 10 mg The composition of ear drops also includes auxiliary components, such as glycerol, sodium thiosulfate, ethanol, and purified water. The solution is contained in a vial of dark glass with a volume of 16 ml. The cardboard pack contains one bottle, a special dropper, and an annotation to the drug.

Pharmacologic Effect

Otipax ear drops are a combined medicinal product, and their therapeutic effect arises from their main active substances. Phenazone works by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which catalyzes the conversion of arachidonic acid into inflammatory mediators like prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and prostacyclin. By reducing their concentration, it diminishes the severity of hyperemia, edema, and pain sensations at the site of inflammation. On the other hand, lidocaine hydrochloride acts as a local anesthetic by blocking impulses from sensory nerve fibers, thereby reducing various types of sensitivity, primarily pain. The combined effect of these active substances in Otipax ear drops significantly speeds up and enhances the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The active substances and auxiliary components do not get absorbed into the systemic bloodstream when the solution is instilled into the external auditory canal, provided that the integrity of the tympanic membrane remains intact.

Indications for Use

The use of ear drops Otipax is indicated in inflammatory pathology of the external and middle ear in adults and children, including:

  • Acute otitis media during the pronounced course of the inflammatory process, accompanied by painful sensations.
  • Complicated otitis media with acute respiratory viral infection or influenza.
  • As a symptomatic agent for otitis associated with barotrauma (inflammatory reaction of the middle ear, provoked by a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure).


Absolute contraindications to the use of ear drops Otipax are individual intolerance of active substances or auxiliary components of the drug and violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane.

Otipax Dosing and Administration

To apply Otipax ear drops, administer them externally by gently inserting them into the external ear canal. You can use the included dropper from the package for instillation. Before applying, it is advisable to warm the solution slightly by holding the bottle in your hand for a few minutes. The recommended average dosage is 3-4 drops, 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course for using Otipax ear drops should not exceed 10 days.

Side Effects

In general, Otipax ear drops are well tolerated. Sometimes it is possible to develop an allergic reaction in the form of burning, itching, and reddening of the skin of the external auditory canal.

Otipax Special Instructions

Before you start using Otipax ear drops, carefully read the annotation to the drug. There are several specific indications regarding their application:

  • Instilling the drug solution into a damaged tympanic membrane can lead to complications, including hearing loss.
  • The drug contains an active substance that may cause false positive results in doping control tests for athletes.
  • Otipax ear drops are safe for use by pregnant women, lactating women, and children since the active ingredients and auxiliary components do not enter the bloodstream.
  • The drug does not affect the cerebral cortex, psychomotor reactions, or concentration.

Availability and Consultation

Otipax ear drops are available in the pharmacy chain without a doctor’s prescription. If you have questions or doubts about their use, consult your doctor.

Otipax Overdose

To date, there is no data on the excess of the recommended therapeutic dose of Otipax ear drops.

Terms and Conditions of Storage

The shelf life of Otipax ear drops is 5 years from the date of manufacture. Once you open the vial, make sure to utilize the drug within a period of no more than 6 months. Store the medication in its original packaging, in a dark place, and out of reach of children, at a maximum air temperature of +30°C. Do not allow the solution to freeze.


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