
Mezym Forte 20000V 20 Tablets- Pancreatin To Treat Digestive Disorders, Diarrhea, Bloating etc.

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This medicine contains the active ingredient pancreatin which consists of digestive enzymes of the pancreas (pancreatic enzymes – pancreatin). This replacement for digestive enzymes is prescribed for the treatment of digestive disorders (maldigestion) caused by inadequate or reduced supply of digestive enzymes by the pancreas or reduced influence of digestive enzymes in the intestines.

Mezym Forte contains the active ingredient pancreatin which consists of digestive enzymes of the pancreas (pancreatic enzymes – pancreatin). This replacement for digestive enzymes is prescribed for the treatment of digestive disorders (maldigestion) caused by inadequate or reduced supply of digestive enzymes by the pancreas or reduced influence of digestive enzymes in the intestines. This may occur due to:

  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis)
  • characteristic functional disorders of the pancreas (cystic fibrosis)
  • problems caused by a tumor or gallstones
  • malfunction of the liver and gallbladder,
  • operation of the pancreas,
  • accelerated flow through the intestines after gastric or intestine surgery, anxiety or inflammatory bowel disease
  • consummation of certain foods, which leads to difficulties with absorption of nutrients, and dysfunction of the digestive organs associated with loss of appetite, belching, retching and diarrhea
  • intolerance to gluten – a protein found in grains
  • inflammatory bowel disease (especially Crohn’s disease)
  • diabetes (Diabetes mellitus),
  • acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS),
  • insufficient function of the pancreas, bone marrow disorders, skeletal disorders and predisposition towards developing leukemia (Shwachmanovog syndrome)
  • autoimmune disease that affects the glands and internal organs (Sjögren’s syndrome)

Mezym forte pharmachologic effect:

Mezim Forte is an enzyme preparation, and has pankreoprotektor action.

Mezym forte pharmacodynamics:

Pancreatin – the active drug component, which is of natural origin (purified from the pancreas of cattle or swine). Thanks to enzymes: lipase, amylase and protease, which are pharmacologically active components of the formulation, normal function of the gastrointestinal tract, the violation of which is caused by insufficient endogenous pankreofermentov.
Receiving result of the drug is to normalize digestion (cleavage and improves the intestinal absorption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as other nutrients).

Mezym forte pharmacokinetics:

Due to the presence of acid-resistant coating enzymes are not inactivated by the action of gastric juice. The dissolution and release of enzymes shell begins in the duodenum. Enzymes preparation have poor absorbability in the digestive tract, act in the intestinal lumen.
Thus Mezim Forte designed as an auxiliary (compensating) a means to improve the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract during the pancreatic enzymes hyposecretion.

Mezym forte indications for use:

Application mezim Forte shown in the following cases:
when there is a pronounced hyposecretion pancreatic enzymes and, as a result, there are functional gastrointestinal disorders;
the presence of pathologies of the digestive system caused by inflammation and degenerative processes in the tissue (chronic course);
dysfunction of the digestive tract, which are the result of surgery or chemotherapy and are characterized by digestive disorders, bloating, soft stools (as an additional tool in an integrated approach to treatment of these conditions);
errors in diet (eating, drinking excessive amounts of fatty foods, the simultaneous use of incompatible products, with a sharp transition from the diet to the general table, etc.) in order to improve digestion in patients without having problems with the digestive tract work;
before carrying out the planned X-ray or ultrasound of the abdomen (as the preparatory means).

Mezym forte mode of application:

Mezim Forte ingested before or with meals. Tablets should not be chewed and swallowed whole must otherwise destroyed acid resistant enteric film coating and the enzymes are inactivated preparation, which entails a reduction or complete loss of pharmacological activity.
Dosing Scheme is established on an individual basis taking into account the evidence and the severity of disease.
For adults, the recommended dose is 1-2 tablets. before meals 1-3 p. / day. If there is such a need, it is permissible to take another 1-4 Table. while eating.
The course of therapy mezim Forte ranges from single or 2-3 days of administration (with overeating or the use of incompatible products) to several months or years (when necessary replacement therapy enzymatic preparations for severe pathologies or resection of the intestine).

Mezym forte side effects:

During therapy with Mezim Forte possible manifestation of the following negative consequences:

  • Allergies of various localization;
  • Change the consistency of fecal matter;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain and epigastric discomfort.
  • Prolonged administration of the drug may be a result of:
  • Appearance hyperuricosuria (increase the concentration of uric acid in urine);
  • Occurrence of hyperuricemia (elevated levels of uric acid in the blood);
  • Rarely in the background by high-therapy in patients with a history marked by cystic fibrosis, may occur narrowing of the intestine ileocecal region.

Mezym forte contraindications:

Use Mezim Forte is strictly prohibited in the presence of the following factors:
hypersensitivity to the components of the composition;
acute pancreatitis;
the period of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

Mezym forte during pregnancy:

In conducting clinical trials of this drug in a group of pregnant and lactating women the safety mezim Forte to the fetus (baby) set is not enough.
Thus, the reception mezim Forte for women during pregnancy and lactation is allowed only after consulting a doctor and study the relation – benefit for the mother / risk to the fetus (baby).

interaction with other drugs:

It is known that the simultaneous reception mezim Forte with iron-containing drugs reduces their absorption properties.
The use of antacids, acting components are calcium carbonate and / or magnesium hydroxide, reduces the therapeutic efficacy or complete inactivation mezim Forte.


When using the drug in doses of ultrahigh intensification observed adverse effects (hyperuricosuria, hyperuricemia or ileocecal bowel constriction area the presence of cystic fibrosis), and may cause constipation in pediatric patients groups.
If you have the above symptoms should immediately stop taking the drug and to spend symptomatic therapy.

product form:

Mezim Forte – pink, Valium tablets, film-coated, have a specific smell.
Packaged in Table 20. in blister – 1 (2, 4, 5) in the blister cardboard pack.

storage conditions:

Store in the dark for 3 years, is sheltered from sunlight, cool (t0 to 30 ° C) place.
Do not allow children to a place of storage of the drug!

Mezym forte composition:

1 tab.
Active ingredient:
Pancreatin enzyme activity with a minimum:
lipase 3500 IU Ph.Eur
amylase 4200 IU Ph.Eur
protease 250 IU Ph.Eur
Fillers: MCC, sodium carboxymethyl starch (type A), aerosil, magnesium stearate.
The film-coating: Talc, hypromellose, azorubinovy ​​varnish (E122), simethicone emulsion 30% (dry weight), polyacrylate dispersion 30% (dry weight), titanium dioxide (E171), macrogol 6000.

Mezym forte pharmacological group:

  • Drugs used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Enzyme medicines that improve digestion

The nosological classification (ICD-10):
Bacterial intestinal infection, unspecified (A04.9)
Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin (A09)
Gastritis and duodenitis (K29)
Dyspepsia (K30)
gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, unspecified (K31.9)
Functional diarrhea (K59.1)
The functional bowel disorder, unspecified (K59.9)
Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified (K73)
Liver disease, unspecified (K76.9)
Chronic cholecystitis (K81.1)
gallbladder disease, unspecified (K82.9)
Other chronic pancreatitis (K86.1)
pancreas, unspecified (K86.9)
Pancreatic steoreya (K90.3)
Operated stomach syndromes (K91.1)
Postholitsistektomichesky syndrome (K91.5)
digestive organ disease, unspecified (K92.9)
Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases (K94 *)
Flatulence and related conditions (R14)
Unspecified effects of radiation (T66)
Surgical Practice (Z100)
Unacceptable diet and bad habits in food intake (Z72.4)
Hypofunction of pancreatic exocrine (K86.8.0)


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